What’s better console or PC?

Ryan Scullion
2 min readApr 23, 2021

In my opinion I think that both serve a very different purpose depending on the circumstance and money. I have a PC and an Xbox; I only got my PC when I was around 13 and didn’t really use it properly until I was about 15–16 and there are many reasons for this. The first reason Is that PCs are way more expensive than an average console if you want a good experience while gaming, you need much more equipment which must all be bought separately and must be calibrated to suit the needs of your PC. Another thigs to keep in mind is that some games on PC may require high maintenance graphic cards, RAM etc to run on decent settings and this can once again be very expensive to acquire, this is why I feel I never really used my PC much when I was younger.

This is where I feel console shines, it is a lot more affordable, while still not cheap but way cheaper than a good PC and the equipment required, this is why I feel that console should primarily be used for younger audiences or those who are on a budget, they are easy to set up, require very little space and everything that is needed to use it and all the games that can be purchased for it, come with the console itself.

However, for those who can afford the items needed to run a good PC then I think PC is he superior gaming platform and I have multiple reasons for this. The first reason is that PC in general has a way bigger selection of games, some games are PC specific and other games that aren’t PC specific are usually tailored more towards PC use e.g. Rainbow six siege. It is a lot to aim and move than it is on console and has a smoother and more comfortable feel to it, I can say that from experience. Another reason is that if your PC can run games on a higher graphics setting and with higher frames than consoles, which depending on the game can make a massive difference to the overall experience of the game but can also sometimes provide a weirdly unfair advantage. With higher frames means you can react quicker which in game genres like FPS’s can make the difference between winning and losing. The final reason is that keyboard and mouse is a lot easier to function once you get used to it than a controller ever can be depending on the game. The mouse is easier to manipulate and allows for a much greater and quicker movements than an analogue stick and the keyboard gives a huge key binding advantage compared to a controller and gives a bigger variety to those who want to change their controls within a game.

All in all I think both are great for many different reasons and I think the argument itself is an unneeded one, those who want to play on either or both can recognise the advantages and disadvantages for both but can still enjoy them equally.

